Why Air Cannons Are Commonly Used for Clogs in the Mining Industry

8 August 2022
 Categories: , Blog


If you are involved in the mining industry, you probably want to purchase all of the necessary machinery and equipment to operate your business. You might already have quite a bit of mining equipment, but there might be a few simple pieces of machinery that you are missing. If you haven't yet purchased an air cannon to use in your mining business, for example, you could be missing out. Air cannons are actually very commonly used in the mining industry for these reasons and more.

Clogs Can Happen Regularly

First of all, if you have any experience with mining, you probably know that clogs can and do happen on a regular basis in many mines. Basically, you have to worry about mined material getting clogged up in pipes or elsewhere. Dealing with these clogs can seem like a real hassle, and you might not really know which equipment or processes you should use for removing clogs.

Air Cannons Work Effectively

Naturally, you will want to make sure that you get rid of clogs of mined material in the most effective way possible. Fortunately, an air cannon actually works very effectively at removing these clogs quickly and easily. You might find it's the most effective method you have used yet to deal with these clogs.

Air Cannons Are a Safer Choice

Working on a mine can be dangerous for everyone involved. This is true for many reasons, depending on the area of the mine that you are working in. Even though you might not think that dealing with clogged mined material is one of the more dangerous jobs in a mine, it can be dangerous if you don't handle these clogs properly. Because air cannons do most of the work, you can avoid putting yourself in dangerous situations to deal with clogs of mined material. Additionally, since air cannons just use regular air — instead of chemicals — you don't have to worry about putting yourself at risk by handling dangerous chemicals.

As you can see, there are multiple good reasons why air cannons are so commonly used for dealing with clogs in the mining industry. Plus, air cannons have other uses as well, so once you invest in one, you might find that it's useful in your mining business in a number of different ways. Not only might you find yourself reaching for the air cannon when you're dealing with clogs of mined material, but you may find that you will find other ways to make use of your air cannon after investing in one, too.

For more information on air cannons, contact a professional near you.