Four Reasons To Use Scissor Lifts For Close Inspections On Building Sites

29 November 2022
 Categories: , Blog


If you're a building contractor, you'll know that close inspections are an essential part of any project. They allow you to check for any issues and make sure everything is being built to the required standard. 

Scissor lifts can be a great option for this, as they allow you to get up high and inspect the work from a bird's eye view. Here are four reasons why you should use scissor lifts for close inspections on building sites:

1. Scissor Lifts Allow You To Take Photos Of Your Site Inspections

Scissor lifts allow you to take photos of your site inspections in high resolution. Because you can get close to the work, you'll be able to take photos that show every last detail. This can help you to spot any problems and make sure that everything is being built to the required standard. It also makes it easier for your client or employer to see what's going on in their project without having to visit the site. You can use this information to create a detailed report that will help you identify any problems with the building site or its surrounding environment. This will make it easier for contractors to make changes before they start work on the project.

2. Scissor Lifts Allow You To Perform A Thorough Inspection Without Getting In The Way Of Construction Workers

These small platforms can be used to inspect almost any part of the construction process, from framing to roofing. They allow you to make precise measurements and conduct tests without getting in the way of your workers or causing damage to your property. This means you can perform a thorough inspection without disrupting the flow of work. 

3. Scissor Lifts Are Easier To Use Than Ladders And Scaffolding For Safety Inspections

Scissor lifts are much safer than ladders and scaffolding. This is because they feature a closed cab that protects you from wind, rain and falling objects. They also have a seatbelt and an emergency shutdown button to prevent accidents.

4. Scissor Lifts Can Be Used For Close Inspections On Top Of Or Under Roofs

Scissor lifts can be used to inspect the top and underside of roofs, which is important if you are trying to find leaks or damage. Scaffolding is often not tall enough to reach the tops of buildings, while ladders can be dangerous if you have to climb them while carrying tools.

To find out more about scissor lift hire, chat with a representative from an equipment hire company today.